Roulette Systems:  Rumple Du Bois

Air Date:  25 Dec 2021 System Type: ⬆️ Positive Progression
Buy-in: $1,500
Bet per Spin: $90
Total Bets: $2,130 Total Win/Loss: -$555
Total Expected Loss: -$112.03 Total Comp Value: $22.40
Total Spins: 20 Seconds between Spins: 44
Rating: D - Eggplant JackAce Rating: D - Eggplant
Betting Simplicity: Progression Simplicity:
Chip Uniformity: Jackpot Potential:
Scalability: Comp Value:

Betting Schemes

Tier 1 ($90)Tier 2 ($30)Tier 3 ($60)Tier 4 ($450)
Roulette Bet Analyzer bets for Rumple Du Bois
Betting schemes for Rumple Du Bois
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This video aired on December 26th along with Turn Coal Into Diamonds , but the database doesn't like having multiple systems that aired on the same day, so I just flubbed the air date by a day.

Walk at $750 profit according to the system author.

Start out with the $15 bets, if that hits, drop down to $5 bets. If that hits, go up to $10 bets...then $75 bets...If you get whacked, then start over. I don't know why. Such a strange system.

Seems like such a long shot to just bet $450 out of the blue. Not getting this system.

Spin # Number Result Amount Bet Running Total Time Notes
1 26 Black +$45 $90 +$45 2:07
2 11 Black +$15 $30 +$60 3:07
3 7 Red -$60
$60 $0 3:49
4 22 Black -$90
$90 -$90 4:33
5 6 Black -$90
$90 -$180 6:17
6 11 Black +$45 $90 -$135 6:57
7 32 Red +$15 $30 -$120 7:46
8 14 Red +$30 $60 -$90 8:23
9 28 Black -$30
$30 -$120 9:13
10 23 Red +$45 $90 -$75 9:52
11 6 Black -$30
$30 -$105 10:39
12 1 Red +$45 $90 -$60 11:12
13 10 Black -$30
$30 -$90 11:56
14 25 Red -$90
$90 -$180 12:32
15 8 Black +$45 $90 -$135 13:12
16 30 Red +$15 $30 -$120 13:57
17 28 Black -$60
$60 -$180 14:36
18 36 Red -$450
$450 -$630 15:23 Alex decides to start trying $25 a unit from here on
19 34 Red +$225 $450 -$405 16:01
20 10 Black -$150
$150 -$555 16:58
Total Bets Total
    -$112.03 $2,130 -$555    

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