Roulette Systems:  Shapes and Paroli

Air Date:  22 Mar 2022 System Type: Positive Progression
Buy-in: $2,500
Bet per Spin: $135
Total Bets: $3,375 Total Win/Loss: +$195
Total Expected Loss: -$177.52 Total Comp Value: $35.50
Total Spins: 11
Rating: C - Plum JackAce Rating: C - Plum
Notes: In the first dozens, bet all the red except the 12. In the 2nd dozen, bet all the black. In the 3rd dozen, bet all the red.

Betting Schemes

Tier 1 ($135)  |  Tier 2 ($270)  |  Tier 3 ($540)
Roulette Bet Analyzer bets for Shapes and Paroli
Betting schemes for Shapes and Paroli
Spin # Number Result Amount Bet Running Total Notes
1 4 Black -$135
$135 -$135
2 22 Black +$45 $135 -$90
3 19 Red -$270
$270 -$360
4 3 Red +$90 $270 -$270 Video said +120 but it should have been +90.
5 15 Black +$180 $540 -$90 Video said +275, but it should have been +180.
6 18 Red -$540
$540 -$630 Video said -625, but it should have been -540.
7 32 Red +$780 $540 +$150 Video said +675, but it should have been +780.
8 5 Red +$195 $135 +$345 Video said +215, but it should have been +195.
9 21 Red -$270
$270 +$75
10 35 Black +$30 $270 +$105
11 34 Red +$90 $270 +$195 Video said +275, but it should have been +90
Total Bets Total
    -$177.52 $3,375 +$195  

I'm not really sure why my numbers don't match the actual win. They should have been up +$195 by my calculations, but they were up +$265 somehow.

Some of the spins where I think they messed up the win/loss display:

Spin # # CEG's displayed win/loss My calculated win/loss
4 3 Red +$120 +$90
5 15 Black +$275 +$180
6 18 Red -$625 -$540
7 32 Red +$675 +$780
8 5 Red +$215 +$195
11 34 Red +$275 +$90

I'm not sure how the numbers got so messed up. Either I can't see the right amounts or Lauren bet the wrong amounts on some of the numbers.

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