Roulette Systems:  The First Date

Air Date:  9 Apr 2022 System Type: Other
Buy-in: $750
Bet per Spin: $750
Total Bets: $3,850 Total Win/Loss: +$50
Total Expected Loss: -$202.51 Total Comp Value: $40.50
Total Spins: 12 Seconds between Spins: 52
Rating: D - Eggplant JackAce Rating: C - Plum
Notes: They were up $45 at the end, but I clocked them as being up $50. I think they bet an extra $5 in the 5th spin.

Betting Schemes

Tier 1 ($750)  |  Tier 2 ($150)  |  Tier 3 ($175)  |  Tier 4 ($200)  |  Tier 5 ($225)
Roulette Bet Analyzer bets for The First Date
Betting schemes for The First Date
Spin # Number Result Amount Bet Running Total Time Notes
1 23 Red +$150 $750 +$150 2:45
2 8 Black +$30 $150 +$180 3:54
3 5 Red +$35 $175 +$215 4:42
4 32 Red -$200
$200 +$15 5:37 Alex was changing the Double Streets that he was betting on from bet to bet. He left 31-36 open for this spin.
5 25 Red +$150 $750 +$165 6:37 Alex had $10 left after making this bet, but he should have had $15. I suspect he bet an extra $5 on one of the stacks here.
6 18 Red +$30 $150 +$195 7:46
7 28 Black +$35 $175 +$230 8:33
8 22 Black +$40 $200 +$270 9:32
9 35 Black -$225
$225 +$45 10:21
10 13 Black +$150 $750 +$195 11:22
11 6 Black +$30 $150 +$225 12:28
12 00 Green -$175
$175 +$50 13:20 The video marked this as 0, but it was 00.
Total Bets Total
    -$202.51 $3,850 +$50    

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