Roulette Systems:  Snake 2 G-Spot

Air Date:  13 May 2024 System Type: Ladder
Buy-in: $5,000
Bet per Spin: $100
Total Bets: $3,310 Total Win/Loss: +$260
Total Expected Loss: -$174.10 Total Comp Value: $34.82
Total Spins: 26 Seconds between Spins: 29
Rating: D - Eggplant JackAce Rating: D - Eggplant
Betting Simplicity: Progression Simplicity:
Chip Uniformity: Jackpot Potential:
Scalability: Comp Value:

Betting Schemes

Tier 1 ($100)  |  Tier 2 ($90)  |  Tier 3 ($200)
Roulette Bet Analyzer bets for Snake 2 G-Spot
Betting schemes for Snake 2 G-Spot
View this bet in the Roulette Bet Analyzer
Spin # Number Result Amount Bet Running Total Time Notes
1 33 Black +$50 $100 +$50 0:59
2 31 Black +$50 $100 +$100 1:23
3 10 Black $0 $90 +$100 2:01
4 6 Black $0 $90 +$100 2:49
5 11 Black -$100
$100 $0 3:24
6 22 Black +$100 $200 +$100 3:54
7 0 Green -$100
$100 $0 4:28
8 2 Black -$200
$200 -$200 5:01
9 13 Black +$200 $400 $0 5:34
10 14 Red +$100 $200 +$100 6:14
11 31 Black +$50 $100 +$150 6:40
12 24 Black $0 $90 +$150 7:19
13 15 Black $0 $90 +$150 7:46
14 28 Black +$90 $90 +$240 8:15
15 1 Red -$90
$90 +$150 8:40
16 7 Red -$100
$100 +$50 9:22 Loss here was -50, not -90.
17 29 Black +$100 $200 +$150 10:00
18 24 Black +$50 $100 +$200 10:15
19 29 Black +$50 $100 +$250 10:33
20 27 Red -$90
$90 +$160 11:01
21 29 Black +$50 $100 +$210 11:29
22 3 Red -$100
$100 +$110 12:03
23 28 Black +$100 $200 +$210 12:22
24 33 Black +$50 $100 +$260 12:44
25 17 Black +$90 $90 +$350 13:14
26 00 Green -$90
$90 +$260 13:56
Total Bets Total
    -$174.10 $3,310 +$260    

When you lose, Martingale. When you win 2 $50 bets, bet the $90 pattern (tier 2).

When win in your Martingale run, go back down one unit.

Alex was up $220, but I have him being up $260.

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