Roulette Systems:  The Penis Between Us 🤷‍♂️🍆🤷‍♀️

Air Date:  28 Sep 2024 System Type: Positive Progression
Buy-in: $250
Bet per Spin: $50
Total Bets: $2,970 Total Win/Loss: -$336
Total Expected Loss: -$156.22 Total Comp Value: $31.24
Total Spins: 40 Seconds between Spins: 19
Rating: D - Eggplant JackAce Rating: D - Eggplant
Betting Simplicity: Progression Simplicity:
Chip Uniformity: Jackpot Potential:
Scalability: Comp Value:

Betting Schemes

Tier 1 ($50)  |  Tier 2 ($100)  |  Tier 3 ($140)
Roulette Bet Analyzer bets for The Penis Between Us 🤷‍♂️🍆🤷‍♀️
Betting schemes for The Penis Between Us 🤷‍♂️🍆🤷‍♀️
View this bet in the Roulette Bet Analyzer
Spin # Number Result Amount Bet Running Total Time Notes
1 23 Red -$50
$50 -$50 1:32
2 5 Red -$50
$50 -$100 1:59
3 18 Red -$50
$50 -$150 2:35
4 18 Red -$50
$50 -$200 2:55
5 31 Black +$50 $50 -$150 3:25
6 0 Green -$100
$100 -$250 3:52
7 34 Red -$50
$50 -$300 4:41
8 27 Red +$50 $50 -$250 5:19
9 31 Black +$50 $100 -$200 5:52
10 33 Black +$10 $140 -$190 6:31
11 34 Red +$10 $140 -$180 6:46
12 6 Black +$10 $140 -$170 7:10
13 00 Green -$140
$140 -$310 8:14
14 7 Red -$50
$50 -$360 10:04
15 26 Black +$50 $50 -$310 10:30
16 7 Red -$100
$100 -$410 11:06
17 15 Black +$50 $50 -$360 11:34 Alex won +50, not +10.
18 19 Red +$50 $100 -$310 12:00 Alex won +50, not +10.
19 34 Red +$10 $140 -$300 12:11
20 8 Black -$140
$140 -$440 12:37
21 6 Black +$50 $50 -$390 13:14
22 29 Black +$50 $100 -$340 14:03
23 33 Black +$10 $140 -$330 14:17
24 9 Red +$10 $140 -$320 14:42
25 00 Green -$1 $50 -$321
26 00 Green -$1 $50 -$322
27 00 Green -$1 $50 -$323
28 00 Green -$1 $50 -$324
29 00 Green -$1 $50 -$325
30 00 Green -$1 $50 -$326
31 00 Green -$1 $50 -$327
32 00 Green -$1 $50 -$328
33 00 Green -$1 $50 -$329
34 00 Green -$1 $50 -$330
35 00 Green -$1 $50 -$331
36 00 Green -$1 $50 -$332
37 00 Green -$1 $50 -$333
38 00 Green -$1 $50 -$334
39 00 Green -$1 $50 -$335
40 00 Green -$1 $50 -$336
Total Bets Total
    -$156.22 $2,970 -$336    

3 Step positive progression. Reset to step 1 when you get whacked. When you win on step 3, stay there until you lose.

This is a "Quick Win and then stay on Cruise Control" type system. Get ahead in the first 2 steps, then keep printing money with the large coverage betting pattern.

Alex had to buy in a second time.

There's really no opportunity to win real money. You only start pocketing money on the 3rd tier, and there, you're mostly pocketing $10 at a time. If you get whacked on the way to that 3rd tier, you're going to be down a bunch.

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